Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Poem #3- To Theresa

Insomniac, when sleep does come it doesn't comfort you.
Dreams become nightmares, afraid to face the day.
Afraid to face the day that became the nightmare.
Change came, the crushing feeling of it all.
Can't breathe, thinking what life will be like from here on out.
The idea of losing the thing that keeps you tethered to the world
Just became a reality.
Loose, crazy, broken child you become.
Broken wings, falling to darkness below.
Cries when thinking of you.
The One and Only You.
Friend, Soul Friend.
We will help each other through today and tomorrow.
All the light leaves, but wait a while.
There will be more tomorrow.

Poem #2- Untitled

She left her shell behind her.

She ran away from the eyes.

Very loud thoughts, very few words.

Driven to change, scared for herself.

Peaceful smile, sad walk, strong thoughts.

Poem #1-What Lies Beneath

I feel like the things I want to say lay thick inside my head, weighing, waiting for the surface to reveal itself.

I want my mind to be at peace and to feel weightless.

The truth hides behind the curtain, waiting for its introduction.

It will keep waiting until I find the mic or the courage to say what's on my mind.

The truth is not a lie, but it's hidden and disguised making it almost not-existent.

The Lie puts on a mask calling itself the truth, putting layer after layer to cover up the devil's seed of a lie.

Everyone believes the lie, admiring its face, while the Truth sneaks away slipping into a dark corner

Waiting yet again for its turn to be on stage.

Art Exploration Reflections

Poem #1
I wanted to create something using the media- graphite, ink, or watercolor- but I decided to write a series of poems instead because I haven't dabbled in poetry since high school. I was thinking that the ideas behind my poems should be about interpretation and how some things you have to infer on your own. This refers to a lot of works of art- you have to make your own interpretation sometimes-that in itself becomes personal to you, these hidden meanings. I wanted it to be a raw poem so I took advantage of the emotions I was feeling at the time I was feeling this down in the dumps. It goes well with the overall theme of my blog, especially the title.

Poem #2
I also wrote another haiku (not really) type poem that just describes empowerment and weakness mixed together. This just puts your strengths and weaknesses all on your sleeve. This of course shows what you feel  growing up, trying to figure things out. I wanted people to know that sometimes fewer words spoken are stronger than a story told. There is also symbolism involved in it because I was going through some things this semester that made me change my direction and outlook on my future.

Poem #3
This one is dedicated to my roommate Theresa, who was suffering along with me at losing our co-worker, Larry, last Monday. At the loss of this kind man, she thought of all the people she lost and I was doing the same, thinking of my grandma. I felt like last week I was emotionless because of the fact that I couldn't interpret what happened. This poem talks about loss and every day after-your mind changes-the way you register things change.

Journal Entry #2- RiP: A Remix Manifesto

This film is about copyrights and remixing music and how music companies own the rights to songs. An artist,  Girl Talk, uses hundreds of notes from artists and makes "mash ups". According to the maker of this film they build ideas: Culture always builds on the past;  The Past always tries to control the Future; Our Future is becoming less free; To build free societies you must limit the control of the past. They talk about intellectual property. They show artists like Metallica that do not want people to remix their songs and the artist(s) not get money out of it. I felt that before watching this film, people should not remix songs or download music, but after it I can see the creative expression that Girl Talk creates from just notes/seconds of songs.

News Item #6- "How Many Light Bulbs Does It Take to Discolor a van Gogh?" by Stephanie Strasnick

Conservators at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam were concerned with the darkening of bright yellow colors on Van Gogh's paintings.So they enlisted the help of scientist at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. There were online reports that the exposure of LED lighting caused the darkening but it was actually the aging of the chrome yellow pigment. Koen Janssens, lead researcher at Antwerp, said it was because the brighter chrome yellow pigment had higher traces of sulfur which them more susceptible to chemical reactions. With this information, the conservators can decide what to do with the kind of lighting they should have in the museum. I thought that this article was interesting because of the detective-slash-scientific work they did to try to figure out why the bright yellows were darkening. It just gives museums more precaution on lighting and that these little things are good to know to conserve the work of art.

News Item #5- "Claes Oldenburg: Hold the Pickle?" by Bill Clarke

Bill Clarke discusses the opening of "Claes Oldenburg: The Street and in the Store" show at Museum of Modern Art in New York. One of the famous works, Floor Burger, 1962, is being restored because the paint on the sculpture is being chipped off. Art Gallery of Ontario conservator Sherry Phillips is working on the restoration of paint as well as the foam and ice cream cartons the burger was stuffed with. They saw pictures of the burger back in the 60's to help fix the inflation of it. There are urban legends behind the pickle that Oldenburg is amused by. I thought that it was amusing the amount of care the team is taking to make it to its original quality. I felt that this Burger represented consumption in America and it was ironic to me that they were trying their best to conserve it, as if they were trying to protect consumption.