Wednesday, April 24, 2013

News Item #4- "Catching up with Mr. Time" by Harry J. Weil

In this article, Weil talks about Boris Chaliapin, an artist for Time magazine in the 1960's where his realistic style was known. He was called "Mr. Time" because of his covers on the magazine and his style stayed the same throughout different movements. Weil also gave a little information on his Russian background as well as his studies in art in Russia and Paris. He was an important part of America because he painted people who influenced America during that period. The preferred use of photographs at the end of his career instead of original art changed the magazine and had less work from Chaliapin. I thought his work was so good because of the realism he portrayed in his work and the people were seen everywhere in America at the time so Time magazine did well in hiring him to do work for them.

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