"Portrait" by Jekaterina Razina
Oil Painting
Riga, Latvia
I found this painting on Pinterest when I browsing through the site. I thought it was about a woman who represent a culture that uses flowers to help express the beauty of women. It could be that the woman is looking at the light which is expressed in the light paints used to show the dimension in facial expressions. The painter's purpose could have been to represent the culture of the country it comes from the details on the woman. This was painted by a person who is from Latvia which is a country which is south from Finland. This is significant because it could be an example of what comes from Latvia. I chose this piece because it was different from what I saw in other pieces that are more known in the United States. In the US, it could have been a sketch for a tattoo instead of a painting. It reminds me of tattoo art and I appreciate body art that is detailed in its design like this painting is.
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